
Chairman of the Cathedral Council

Dr. Katarina Berner

Chairwoman of the Cathedral Council

Telephone +49 30 20269 144

Referentin: Marie Toya Gaillard
Telephone +49 30 20269 182
Email gaillard(a)

Assistance: Yves A. Pillep
Telephone +49 30 20269 129
Email yves.pillep(a)

[Translate to En:] Zweiter Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Domkirchenkollegiums

PD Dr. Joachim Seybold

Second vice Chairman of the Cathedral College

Telephone +49 30 20269 144

Referentin: Marie Toya Gaillard
Phone +49 30 20269 182

Assistant DKK: Yves A. Pillep
Phone +49 30 20269 129


Mareike Windorf

Mareike Windorf
Managing Director

Telephone +49 30 20269 182
Email windorf(at)

Referentin: Marie Toya Gaillard
Telephone: +49 30 20269 182
Email: gaillard(at)

Cathedral Dean/s

Stefan Scholpp

Executive Cathedral Dean

Phone +49 30 20269 202
E-Mail stefan.scholpp(a)

Referentin: Marie Toya Gaillard
Telephone: +49 30 20269 182
Email gaillard(a)

Christiane Münker

Cathedral Dean

Telephone +49 30 20269 191
Email christiane.muenker(a)


Cathedral organist

Andreas Sieling

Cathedral organist

Telephone +49 30 20269 177<br/> Email andreas.sieling(a)

Jakub Sawicki

Assistant Organist

Phone +49 30 20269 111
E-Mail jakub.sawicki(a)

Office of the Berlin Cathedral Choir

Adrian Büttemeier

Cathedral Choirmaster

Telephone +49 30 20269 174
Email adrian.buettemeier(a)

Dr. Florian Stocker

Assistant of the Cathedral Choirmaster

Telephone +49 30 20269 118
Email florian.stocker(a)

Communication and PR

Marie Toya Gaillard

Assistant to the Cathedral Council Chairman
Assistant to the Executive Cathedral Dean
Assistant to the Managing Director

Telephone +49 30 20269 182
Email marie.toya.gaillard(a)

Eva Hepper

Public relations

Phone: +49 30 20269-108
E-Mail: eva.hepper(a)

Parish office

Sibylle Greisert

Head of Parish office

Telephone +49 30 20269 111
Email sibylle.greisert(a)

Office hours on site:
Tuesday from 14 p.m. - 16 p.m. and
by telephone arrangement

Telephone office hours:
Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.



Susanne Lehmann

Parish office

Telephone +49 30 20269 181
Email susanne.lehmann(a)

Office hours on site:
Tuesday from 14 p.m. - 16 p.m. and
by telephone arrangement

Telephone office hours:
Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Karola Mattmüller

Parish office

Telephone +49 30 20269 181
Email karola.mattmueller(a)

Office hours on site:
Tuesday from 14 p.m. - 16 p.m. and
by telephone arrangement

Telephone office hours:
Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Chief Technical Officer

Martin Hildebrandt

IT / Streaming

Phone: +49 30 20269 222
Email: martin.hildebrandt(a)

Cemetery administration and sacristy

Babette Holzhauer

Cemetery administration

Telephone +49 30 4522255 or via the parish office +49 30 20269 181
E-Mail Babette.Holzhauer(a)

Cathedral guards

Employees sacristy / cathedral guards

Telephone +49 30 20269 107
Email domwarte(a)

Concerts and events

Maren Glockner

Event Management Concerts

Phone +49 30 202 69 119
E-Mail Maren.Glockner(a)

Thorben Rasmus

Staff guided tours and room-renting service

Phone +49 30 202 69 164
E-Mail thorben.rasmus(a)

Birgit Walter

Corator / Exhibitions

Phone +49 30 20269 123

Andreas Lobeda

Event technology

E-Mail andreas.lobeda(a)



Cathedral shop and ticket service

Ute Hellmuth

Head of Cathedral shop

Telephone +49 30 20269 140
Email ute.hellmuth(a)

ticket service

Die Konzertkasse ist geöffnet:
Mo - So: 11.00 - 16.00
Sa: 12 - 16.00 Uhr

Telefon +49 30 20269 136
E-Mail ticket(a)


Cathedral building office

Sonja Tubbesing

Cathedral architect

Phone +49 30 20269 131
E-Mail dombaubuero(a)

Damaris Gorrissen

Staff Cahtedral Building

Phone +49 30 20269 131
E-Mail damaris.gorrissen(a)

Nadja Allerheiligen

Consultant in the Cathedral Construction Office

Phone +49 30 20269 185
E-Mail: nadja.allerheiligen(a)

Cathedral archive

Yves A. Pillep


Telephone +49 30 20269 129
Email yves.pillep(a)

External point of contact

Berlin State and Cathedral Choir

Boys Choir at the Berlin University of the Arts
Bundesallee 1-12
10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Phone +49 30 3185 23 57 / 21 95


The English Choir Berlin

Christstr. 1A
14059 Berlin
Phone +49 162 7107516


Spiritual welfare

‘Immanuel Beratung Mitte’ – Life counselling at Berlin Cathedral

Individual and Couples’ Psychological Counselling, Crisis Counselling, Pastoral Care, Supervision
Director Karl-Heinz Hilberath
Am Lustgarten 1
10178 Berlin
Phone +49 30 20269 403
Monday to Friday 2 PM - 6 PM or by prior arrangement


Cathedral café

Familie Pirsch
Phone +49 172 16 40 444


Sponsors and associations

Berlin Cathedral Foundation (‘Berliner-Dom-Stiftung’) & The Bärbel Vasak Foundation (‘Bärbel Vasak Stiftung’)

c/o Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin
Birgit Walter
Am Lustgarten 1
10178 Berlin
Phone +49 30 202 69 123


Berliner Dom- Freunde e. V.

Dr. Carmen v. Schöning
c/o Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin
Am Lustgarten 1
10178 Berlin
Phone +49 30 885 547 00


Berlin Cathedral Construction Association (Berliner Dombau-Verein e.V.)

c/o Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin
Am Lustgarten 1
10178 Berlin
Phone +49 30 20 269 131


Sponsoring association ‘Förderkreis der Berliner Domkantorei e.V.’

c/o Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin
Am Lustgarten 1
10178 Berlin
Phone +49 30 202 69 118