Choral Evensongs

Perhaps you have already visited an English cathedral and experienced the beauty of Choral Evensong? This musical form of worship is celebrated every day in larger churches across England.

An Evensong combines Vespers and the complete Liturgy of the Hours. During a Choral Evensong, psalms, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis are performed by a choir, often in compositions from the Anglo-Saxon world. Once a month you have the opportunity to celebrate such a Choral Evensong in Berlin Cathedral. The music is meditative, solemn and an essential part of the liturgy.

The Evensongs in Berlin Cathedral are organised by The English Choir Berlin under the direction of Max Carsley. Around 40 men and women of different nationalities sing in this ensemble, many of whom are professionals or very experienced amateurs. The solemnity of the Evensong is further emphasised by the choir robes in royal blue.