Voluntary work

Life at Berlin Cathedral unfolds in numerous groups, circles, activities and projects. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact our parish-office. You can find more information on this page.


Parish Advisory Council

The Berlin Cathedral Parish Council is the ‘interface’ between the various areas of work and the Cathedral Council. It is made up of representatives of the groups and circles as well as the individual departments of the cathedral. The members of the parish council are appointed by the cathedral council. It usually meets four times a year, discusses all matters relating to church life and makes proposals to the DKK for its further development.

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Bible study afternoon

Every fourth Tuesday of the month, we invite you to a Bible afternoon between 3 pm and 4.30 pm. We take time to share and talk over coffee and cake. We then turn our attention to a biblical topic.

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Parish Afternoon

Every second Tuesday of the month, we invite you to a church afternoon between 3 pm and 4.30 pm. Bible afternoons and church afternoons alternate every fortnight. Instead of discussing a biblical topic, the congregational afternoon focusses on a topic of cultural or social interest. In addition to coffee and cake, all afternoons are centred around sharing and conversation.

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Church Coffee

The people who attend a church service in Berlin Cathedral come from all over the city, indeed from all over the world. The church coffee is a good opportunity to get to know each other, meet and talk to each other.

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Visiting service

Parishioners and friends of the cathedral live far apart, may meet at church services, but often do not know each other. Our visiting service contacts parishioners and friends of the cathedral aged 75 and over on the occasion of their birthday. A visit can be arranged on request.

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Worship Group

Berlin Cathedral is known far beyond the city limits for its festive church services. This would not be possible without volunteers. The men and women are entrusted with a variety of tasks: welcoming the congregants, serving as lectors, distributing communion or collecting the collection.

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Children’s services of worship

The children's service takes place parallel to the main service in the cathedral. Volunteers celebrate with children from the age of 3 in child-appropriate ways: They tell Bible stories, do crafts on the theme, sing and pray.

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Since 2000, a Taizé service has been held in Berlin Cathedral on the second Thursday of every month. Over 400 visitors sing and pray together that evening and light a sea of candles. Taizé is a small village in Burgundy, France. The ecumenical community based there is a destination for mainly young pilgrims from all over the world.

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Welcome Service

As part of the Welcome Service, we give our international visitors and non-German-speaking Berliners the opportunity to join in the church services in the cathedral. On all Sundays and church holidays, we offer simultaneous translation into English for the 10 a.m. services.

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Cathedral guide

Berlin Cathedral is a tourist magnet for people from all over the world. 85 per cent of our visitors come from abroad, 10 per cent from Berlin and five per cent from other federal states. One of the main tasks of our volunteer cathedral guides is to familiarise these people with our church and its historical and religious significance today.

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Berlin Cathedral Choir

Music in Berlin Cathedral can uplift the listener, carry them away, even inspire them. The numerous works of choral music in particular are tailor-made for Berlin Cathedral, its lush acoustics and its almost professional amateur ensemble - the Berliner Domkantorei.

The choir has existed since 1961 and has around 160 members from all professions, who sing in various smaller and larger ensembles ...

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