Choir Regulations

Choir Regulations of the Berlin Cathedral Choir

[revised January 15, 2025]


The Cathedral Choir Director (Domkantor:in) is responsible for conducting the Berlin Cathedral Choir.


The Cathedral Choir is active in various formations: the Oratorio Choir (Oratorienchor), the Chamber Choir (Kammerchor), the Motet Choir (Motettenchor), the Schola and other project-based ensembles.


(1) Admission to the Cathedral Choir is decided on audition basis by the choir director. In some cases, entry to sub-ensembles may also involve an audition. A second audition may take place roughly six months after the initial admission when deemed necessary.

(2) Singers under 60 years of age are eligible to join the choir. In special cases, e.g. with lateral entrants or when a candidate displays exceptional aptitude, the choir director may grant exceptions to this rule. Such decisions are subject to consultation with the Choir Council.

(3) Active membership ends at 60 years of age for all ensembles, beyond which extensions are granted by the choirmaster based on regular (typically biennial) auditions.

The Choir Council and the Parish Advisory Council

(1) The Berlin Cathedral choir elects six of its members to the Choir Council.

(2) Elections take place every two years, where three members are elected to serve a four-year term.

(3) The council acts as the liaison between the choir and the choir director and supports him in primarily non-artistic tasks. In addition, the council is responsible for passing and amending the Choir Regulations and organizing events to foster community among choir members. Council members are the primary point of contact for all singers in the choir.

(4) In accordance with the current parish ordinance, the Cathedral Choir appoints two of its members as representatives in the Parish Advisory Council.

(5) The council elects a speaker from among its members. The speaker works in coordination with the two representatives of the choir in the Parish Advisory Council to maintain communication between the choir and the Cathedral Directorship, as well as with the Parish Administrative Board (Domkirchenkollegium, abbr. DKK). The speaker also calls and moderates meetings.

Attendance and Participation

(1) Punctual attendance at rehearsals is mandatory for all singers in the Cathedral Choir. Regular rehearsals for the main ensemble (the Oratorio Choir) take place on Mondays from 7 PM to 9:30 PM. Regular rehearsals for the Chamber Choir (Kammerchor) take place on Tuesdays from 7 PM to 9 PM.

(2) To participate in concerts, singers are obligated to attend at least three quarters of the rehearsals. The pre-dress rehearsal (Hauptprobe) and the dress rehearsal (Generalprobe) are not considered in this calculation. Each rehearsal unit is calculated at ca. three hours: longer rehearsing hours, such as during rehearsal weekends or at whole-day rehearsals, will be broken down into these units and calculated as bonus attendance.

(3) Attendance lists are kept, and the rehearsal attendance quota for each singer calculated on their basis. Should the quota not be fulfilled, the Choir director decides on audition basis whether a singer should participate in the performance or not.

(4) Attendance at the pre-dress rehearsal (Hauptprobe) and the dress rehearsal (Generalprobe) are mandatory to participate in the performance.

Singing in Services

(1) For members of the Oratorio Choir, it is compulsory to sing in at least four worship services per year.

(2) In addition, participation in one annual holiday service (e.g. Easter, Pentecost, Christmas) is desirable.

Concert Attire

(1) General choir attire for performances is as follows:

- Ladies in black, ankle length, elegant clothing

- Gentlemen in black suits over black shirts.

(2) As a rule, the choir performs with official red music folders inscribed with the Domkantorei logo. Folders can be purchased through the choir, or, in exceptional cases, may be lent out for a single performance.


(1) Members of the choir are expected to sign up in the choir management system Singste and to register there a current, working e-mail address with which they can be reached.

(2) In order to facilitate organization, each member should enter attendance or absence information for rehearsals, services, concerts and other events with the choir in Singste well in advance, and update their entries as necessary.

Leaving the Choir

(1) When leaving the choir, the member is asked to inform the Choir director in writing.

(2) Periods of absence from choir activities that extend beyond six weeks must also be communicated in writing. The member’s status in Singste will then be marked as inactive until their return, which likewise should be communicated to the Choirmaster in written form.

(3) Should a member’s absence extend beyond eight weeks without due notice, their membership to the Berlin Cathedral Choir will expire.


(1) All borrowed scores must be treated with care and returned on time. If something is damaged or lost, the member is responsible for replacing it. For larger works such as oratorios and cantatas, singers are advised to purchase their own vocal score.

(2) All members of the choir work together so that rehearsals, services, concerts and other choir-related events run smoothly. Singers are expected to assist with additional tasks, especially practical undertakings such as setting up and taking down chairs at rehearsals.

(3) The Cathedral Choir does not charge any membership fees. Singers are invited to join the sponsorship association 'Förderkreis der Berliner Domkantorei e. V.'. All donations to the association, regardless of membership status, are also welcome.

(4) All members of the choir are warmly invited to participate in parties, potlucks and receptions following concerts. These events provide opportunities for members to connect with one another outside of solely musical activities and fortifies the Cathedral Choir community.

Stay Informed

Dr. Florian Stocker

Assistant of the Cathedral Choirmaster

Telephone +49 30 20269 118
Email florian.stocker(a)