Sponsoring association ‘Förderkreis der Berliner Domkantorei’
Choir work not only requires dedicated and regular practice, but also costs (a lot) of money. The Berliner Domkantorei is largely financed by the Berlin Cathedral, but always requires additional funds. That's why we're happy about the support that the ‘Berliner Domkantorei e.V.’ support group has provided. V. guaranteed.
In the turmoil after reunification, when the continued existence of the choir appeared to be at risk because neither the cathedral community nor the regional church could give the choir an institutional roof, the choir was initially incorporated into a non-profit association, the ‘Berliner Domkantorei e. V.’.
After the choir was taken over by the cathedral community, this association dissolved. The Berlin Cathedral Choir Association became the legal successor in 2002. V. was founded, to which many choir members, but also friends and regular listeners - some for decades - belong.
The Berlin Cathedral Choir Association supports choir trips (to name just a few examples) and guarantees that, according to the principle of solidarity, no one has to forego choir activities for financial reasons.
It financially supported the cataloging and maintenance of the sheet music library, so that the archive, which contains around 10,000 music titles, can now also be used by other choirs (the choir office will answer inquiries); it made CD recordings possible and is responsible for the distribution of the recordings; and it can, if necessary, secure performances of lesser-known works that would otherwise bear a financial risky through default guarantees.
The Berlin Cathedral Choir Association is financed through membership fees and donations, which can be deducted from taxes. You can download an declaration form for membership here.
You can find the association statutes here.
The following have been members of the association's board since June 11, 2023:
- Hans Walter (Chairman)
- Josefine Kitzbichler (deputy chair)
- Felix Methmann
- Nils-Sören Schaaf
- Christiane Schulze
- Katharina Kupke and Astrid Regelin (as replacements)
- Karen Hartwig (represents the choir council)

If you would like to support the work of the Cathedral Choir Association ‘ Förderkreis der Berliner Domkantorei e.V.’, we would be happy to receive your donation. Donations and contributions to the association are tax deductible. The association is certified by the tax office for corporations I Berlin, tax no. 27/655/30234 recognized as non-profit.
(Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, St-Nr. 27/655/30234)
Account information
Sponsoring association ‘Förderkreis der Berliner Domkantorei e.V.’
Acc. No. 15 664 67018
S/C 350 601 90
IBAN DE46 3506 0190 1566 4670 18
KD-Bank eG für Kirche und Diakonie