
At present the Berlin State and Cathedral Choir is providing training to approximately 250 choirboys and 75 young men in 11 different choir groups. The groups have different tasks and age profiles depending on the skills and abilities of the singers. Precise information regarding individual choir groups can be found here. The State and Cathedral Choir promotes gifted boys through the provision of a free, foundation musical education. During one-on-one and group lessons, a select number of teaching staff from the Berlin University of the Arts offer training and support to future concert singers.
While the boys in the junior groups get the chance to gain some early experience during smaller performances, the advanced singers frequently sing in concerts and during services, both on the radio and television.
DoMinis (4 – 6 years): Early musical education begins at the pre-school age. We playfully introduce our youngest members to sounds, tones, timbre and rhythms.
Choir school (6 – 8 years): Over the next year and a half, the singers receive additional voice training and learn the basics of music theory.
Carollers (7 – 10 years): The children learn more about their vocal range. Once they are divided into sopranos and altos, they practice polyphonic singing.
Choirboys (8 years and up): The children sing alongside men’s voices for the first time. The choirboys begin to perform in religious services and take small concert tours.
Concert choir (9 years and up): This group features 40 boys and 20 male voices. The concert choir performs concerts at home and abroad and provides music for religious services in the Berliner Dom.
Voces in Spe (13 – 16 years): The boys are exposed to more theoretical knowledge while they are going through their voice changes. Their voices are carefully cultivated and they’re given a chance to test out those first tones in their new vocal ranges.
Young, talented singers wanted!
The Staats- und Domchor regularly invites boys aged five to seven and older boys with a musical background to audition. It acquaints visitors with its youth development programme through a concert presentation. With the right talent, singers can gain access to a free and qualified musical education with the Staats- und Domchor.
Visit for upcoming dates and additional information about the choir’s admission process.