Incident at Berlin Cathedral

Serious incident in Berlin Cathedral on 3rd June 2018

A serious incident took place inside Berlin Cathedral on the afternoon of 3rd June 2018.

A man of around 50 years of age went on the rampage and threatened other visitors to the Cathedral.

The Cathedral security personnel immediately evacuated the Cathedral and called the police for help. During the further course of the operation there was unfortunately an exchange of fire and both the rampaging man and a police officer were injured. Both are in hospital. According to the police, the incident was not motivated by terrorism.

The 6pm evening service had to be cancelled owing to the closure of the Cathedral.  

In an initial statement, the chairperson of the Cathedral Council, Dr. Volker Faigle, said it was shocking that such an incident had taken place in the Cathedral; at the same time, he was thankful for the prudent actions taken by the staff and emergency services in Berlin Cathedral and asked that the injured be remembered in our prayers.