New songs 2.0: Wanted: singers!

Every month, Berlin Cathedral celebrates an evening service of worship entitled ‘New Texts ’. New songs”, during which more contemporary musical works are sung. After a two year trial period, we now want to further reinforce this format of service, and give it a certain special touch.

We have therefore established a new choir tasked with “infusing” services with the spiritual energy of music. The choir singers thereby support the attending worshippers when new and perhaps less well-known songs are being sung. In particular, the programme includes songs by the famous Dutch poet and songwriter Huub Oosterhuis. He established his own musical tradition, which has already made its way into our hymn book (EG 382 – Ich steh´ vor dir mit leeren Händen, Herr). The hymns by Huub Oosterhuis combine a sophisticated linguistic level with a special, emotive musical form, all of which we believe is an excellent fit for Berlin Cathedral.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm on a weekly basis, the new choir rehearses under the direction of Cathedral organist Andreas Sieling at Berlin Cathedral. Those who are interested and who have choral experience can contact Cathedral organist Andreas Sieling (andreas.sieling(a) or come along to the first rehearsal for the new choir:

The first rehearsal will take place on Wednesday, 10 January at 7 PM in the Luise-Henriette-Saal at Berlin Cathedral; the choir's first performance during a service of worship will be on 11 February 2018.