On the border – Lent sermon series 2018

Borders are currently the subject of much discussion and intense controversy: Should borders be opened or closed? What sense do borders have? and when is there no sense?  Where are the personal borders, and by what course of action and choice of words are they breached? What happens on the border where two spheres collide or come into contact? And last but not least: Is it faith that creates borders or rather the force that breaches such borders? These questions will be addressed at this year’s Lent sermon series. 

To this end we once again invited renowned preachers from all over Germany. Preaching will cover some texts that are seldom heard during services of worship. Reason enough to make your way to the Cathedral for the evening services of worship on Passion Sunday (6 PM respectively). 

18 February, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: The altar on the border
Text: 1. Genesis 31, 48f.
Pastor Gerhard Engelsberger
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Dr. Petra Zimmermann
Claudia Tesorino (saxophone)

25 February, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: Patience with God – on the border between belief and non-belief
Text: Luke 19,1-10
Pastor Kathrin Oxen, Wittenberg
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Michael Kösling
Organ: Jakub Sawicki

04 March, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: Go on over! Faith as a borderline experience
Text: 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10,
Pastor Christian Lehnert, Leipzig
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Thomas C. Müller
Organ: Cathedral Choirmaster Tobias Brommann

11 March, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: Me and myself – On the border between arrogance and humility
Text: Philippians 1,15-21
Provost Astrid Kleist, Hamburg
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Michael Kösling
Organ: LKMD Gunter Kennel

18 March, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: On the border between home and the unknown.
Text: 1. Genesis 28: 10-16
Regional Superintendent Oda-Gebbine Holz-Stäblein
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Michael Kösling
Organ: Cathedral organist Andreas Sieling
Choir: Oosterhuis Choir

25 March, 6 PM, evening service of worship
Topic: ‘Hosanna’ and ‘Crucify Him’ – Your limits and my expectations
Text: John 12, 12-19
Regional Bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, Munich
Liturgy: Cathedral Dean Thomas C. Müller