Team for Hohenzollern family crypt project announced

In recent months Berlin Cathedral has been looking throughout the EU for a team to take on the renovation and further development of the Hohenzollern family crypt (Hohenzollerngruft). Now the team has been announced.

The Berlin-based architects Büro für Architektur, Städtebau und Denkmalpflege, BASD Schlotter/Lichtkunst won the contract. The companies Convis-Höcker, Tragwerksplanung GuD will take on the project management and Niehsen-Baumann, the technical building services.

During the comprehensive renovation procedure in the lower storey of Berlin Cathedral over the next few years, stair and walls will be demolished, the building will become barrier-free and the climate for the valuable coffins dating back 500 years will be improved. The Hohenzollern family crypt will become a dignified place of history and resting place for the dead, which corresponds to its international importance. Visitors from all over the world will be able to find out about the burial place in a special exhibition area.

The renovation and further development of the Hohenzollern family crypt and improving the tourist infrastructure under Berlin Cathedral will cost EUR 17.3 million. The German government and federal state of Berlin are financing 90% of the costs, meaning that Berlin Cathedral needs to finance 10%, i.e. EUR 1.7 million from its own resources.

You can find out more about the project at

Projektleitung Hohenzollerngruft
Dombaumeisterin Sonja Tubbesing
+49 30 20269 131


Project management Hohenzollern family crypt


Project management Communication:
Svenja Pelzel
Telephone +49 30 20269 102
Email svenja.pelzel(a)

Project management Architecture:
Sonja Tubbesing (Cathedral architect)
Telephone +49 30 20269 131
Email sonja.tubbesing(a)