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Ceremonial introduction of cathedral preacher Stefan Scholpp

Cathedral preacher Stefan Scholpp joins the Berlin Cathedral since march 1, 2023. He will be solemnly inducted into his new office with a festive service on Sunday, march 19, at 10 am. The Berlin Cathedral Choir will perform the Missa Quadragesimalis by Michael Haydn (1737-1806), the younger brother of Joseph Haydn.

"To work at this house is as demanding as it is enticing. I am very much looking forward to this challenge," says 56-year-old Stefan Scholpp, who came to Berlin from Mannheim for his new task. "Telling people about God and how he affects us - in church services, in personal conversations and generally in many encounters inside and outside the Berlin Cathedral - that is above all what I see as my task as Cathedral preacher. A diverse exchange in the city society, a radiation of the Christian message far into the public space - that would be my wish."

Cathedral preacher Stefan Scholpp sees one focus of his work initially in the celebration of church services and devotions. He would also like to get more involved in the development of tourist offers, dialogue formats with artists and cultural workers and through good networking of congregational and city church work.

These ideas are also shared by the governing body of the Berlin Cathedral. "We warmly welcome the new cathedral preacher in our midst. It is a special pleasure for us to have won Stefan Scholpp for the Berlin Cathedral. His personality as well as his warm and approachable manner convinced us immediately," explains Christlieb Klages, chairman of the Cathedral Church Council.