A living place of Christian faith needs your help
The Berlin Cathedral must generate 95% of its annual budget itself. This distinguishes the Berlin Cathedral from all other church congregations in Germany. Only 5% of our income comes from church taxes and grants from the state of Berlin. For the maintenance of the listed building from 1905, the musicians, the worldwide transmission of the services, staff, heating, electricity, security company, cleaning and much more, we need almost 15,000 Euros per day.
If you would like to support us, we would be delighted to receive a donation from you. You can donate conveniently online, via the donation portal of the Bank für Kirche und Diakonie, via Paypal or you can use our bank details:
Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin
IBAN: DE30 3506 0190 0000 0080 01 | Account no.: 8001
BIC: GENODED1DKD | BLZ 350 601 90 (KD Bank)
Or become a supporter in the large family of cathedral supporters! These include: the Berlin Cathedral Foundation, the Berlin Cathedral Building Association, the Berlin Cathedral Friends, the Bärbel Vasak Foundation, the Friends of the Berlin Cathedral Choir or our volunteers - they all have one thing in common: they help the Berlin Cathedral with their work and through numerous fundraising campaigns.