House Rules

Dear visitors of the Berlin Cathedral,
In order for you to you feel comfortable with us, it is important that we regulate some issues. That is why we have created these House Rules. The Berlin Cathedral is a place of worship and also, during the tourist opening hours, a place of personal prayer and reflection. Therefore, we ask all visitors to behave in a manner befitting the dignity of a house of God.
1. Authority
The administration of the High Parish and Cathedral Church of Berlin, represented by the managing director, delegates the exercise of domiciliary rights to the employees of the Berlin Cathedral as well as to the Cathedral’s supervisory and security. The instructions of these persons must be followed; they are authorized to issue directives.
2. Visitation & opening hours
A cathedral maintenance fee, exclusively cashless, is charged for visiting the Berlin Cathedral. Admission to all liturgical events is free of charge. Visit for information on prices, discounts and opening hours. During services, devotions, concerts and wedding ceremonies, access may be restricted. Liturgical events always have priority, and the main body of the Cathedral may not be toured during these events. During the approx. 20-minute midday and evening services when tourist traffic is also permitted, we request that visitors take a seat in the main nave of the Cathedral.
3. Clothing
We ask that all visitors dress in a manner appropriate to the dignity of a place of worship. Our supervisory and security personnel are authorized to deny access to the Cathedral to guests wearing provocative garments— this in-cludes very short skirts or trousers, as well as off-the-shoulder or low-cut clothes. Male visitors are also asked to remove their head coverings inside the Berlin Cathedral. Members of various religious communities, such as Sikhs wearing turbans, Jews wearing yarmulkes, and dignitaries of Christian churches, are exempt from this rule.
4. Underage visitors
Tourist visits for children and adolescents under 18 years of age are only possible when accompanied by at least one adult supervisor or parent. Legal guardians, supervising escorts or other responsible companions are liable for damages caused by unsupervised minors.
5. Carrying objects and animals
No food and drinks, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, running wheels, etc. nor suitcases, travel bags and hiking backpacks are permitted in the Cathedral. Hand luggage such as handbags or small backpacks up to a size of DIN A3 are allowed: our security staff is authorized to carry out random bag checks. Animals may not be brought into the Berlin Cathedral or the Cathedral Arcades, with the exception of guide and therapy dogs.
6. Fire and dangerous objects
Smoking, handling fire, bringing pyrotechnics and any kind of weapons, as well as placing lighted candles in the Cathedral or the arcades are strictly prohibited. This applies to the entire building, including the exterior of the dome. The lighting of memorial and prayer candles is only permitted on the candle stands provided for this purpose.
7. Photos, films and telephone calls
All visitors are requested to set cell phones to "silent" from the moment of en-tering the Berlin Cathedral; telephone calls are not permitted. Filming and photography during the tour is only allowed for private purposes, but without flash or tripod. In order to protect copyright and personal rights, and out of respect for praying or meditating visitors, photography, filming, and sound recording are not permitted during any liturgical events such as church services and devotions.
8. Dome visitation
The ascent to the Cathedral dome is arduous and at the visitor's own risk. Parents or adult companions are responsible for children and must provide constant supervision in all areas of the dome ascent. We strongly recommend that the dome ascent be undertaken only when in good health. There is no elevator available and it is not possible to turn back on the final section. Access to the exterior walkway depends on the weather — during heavy rain, heavy snowfall, ice and strong winds, the outer dome will remain closed. It is strictly forbidden to throw objects from the dome walkway or to enter or climb the parapet. Visitors must follow all instructions of the supervisory staff.
9. In conclusion
Visitors are personally liable for all damages caused by their behavior. Triggering any alarm or fire system without cause obligates reimbursement of any costs associated with such false alarms.
These house rules come into force on April 1, 2022, and are available from our admissions staff and can be viewed directly at Berliner Cathedral.
Dr. Katharina Berner
Chairwomen of the Cathedral Council