Parents page

Confirmation is a religious festival of faith that is usually celebrated at the age of 14. Confirmands profess their Christian faith and say “YES” to their baptism, which they often received as infants. Receiving the blessing shows God's protection on their path through life.

Those who have not yet been baptized can still take part in the confirmation period and, in consultation with their families, are baptized in a church service during this time. The young people usually meet once a month on a Saturday with cathedral preacher Christiane Münker and volunteer team members to explore and discuss the basics of faith together. This involves a holistic exploration of the content of the faith and always also the significance in the lives of the young people. Questions about the meaning of life, Christian responsibility and expressions of Christian living are dealt with in a variety of ways.

We deliberately do not offer weekly lessons so as not to interfere with the young people's everyday school life. The monthly meetings on Saturdays also have the advantage that everyone is more relaxed and has enough time for each other. As the meetings take place monthly, you should have clarified with the family beforehand whether regular attendance is possible on a binding basis. Sports activities or school lessons on Saturdays in particular are often a hindrance. We expect regular attendance at the block days so that both the content can be conveyed and a good group experience is possible. Joint trips and excursions are also part of our confirmation life. 

In addition to written registration, there is usually an information and parents' evening shortly before the summer vacations, to which all young people of the relevant age in our parish are invited. The confirmation period starts after the summer vacation.

Confirmation usually takes place in Berlin Cathedral at the end of May / beginning of June.