
Baptism celebrates God's love for people. At the same time, it is the acceptance into the Christian community. 

Adults, children and young people are baptized in Berlin Cathedral. Baptisms are usually celebrated in a parish service and require a commitment to the Christian faith. As a general rule, adults attend the faith course at Berlin Cathedral before being baptized. Young people are baptized as part of the confirmation year; children of parishioners can also be accepted into the cathedral congregation through baptism.

During baptism, water is poured over the head of the person being baptized. This expresses the fact that baptism signifies the new beginning of life as a Christian. Each person being baptized receives a baptismal motto that summarizes the biblical message for them personally. The baptismal candle symbolizes Christ, the light of the world.

If you are interested in being baptized, please contact our church office first. The cathedral preachers will then have a personal conversation with you.

Contact parish office

Telephone +49 30 20269 111
Fax +49 30 20269 130

Consultation hours on site:
Tuesday from 2 - 4 pm and
by telephone arrangement

Telephone office hours:
Mon to Thu 9.00 – 12.00