Choral Evensongs

Perhaps you have already visited an English cathedral and experienced the beauty of Choral Evensong? This musical form of worship is celebrated every day in larger churches across England.

Once a month you have the opportunity to attend a Choral Evensong in keeping with Anglican tradition at Berlin Cathedral. The special thing about it: the music is meditative, ceremonious and an integral part of the liturgy. The Choral Evensongs at Berlin Cathedral are created by The English Choir Berlin under the direction of Max Carsley.

Roughly 40 women and men of different nationalities sing in this ensemble, many of whom are professionals or serious amateurs. The celebratory nature of Evensong is also underscored by the choir robes in royal blue. The robes are part of the Anglican tradition. They are deliberately similar to those of the priests, given that the choir is, as a rule, situated at the front and is always visible.