Hour of Cathedral Music

At the end of the week, the »Hour of Cathedral Music« (»Stunde der Dommusik«) takes place on Saturday. Here, the rich treasure of choral and organ music meets biblical texts in a liturgical setting. Whether you listen to our large Sauer organ as a soloist, one of our choirs or guests - you can expect 45 minutes of church music at the highest level.

During the Hour of Cathedral Music, the music is combined with the biblical word, which is heard as a reading from the Book of Psalms, the Old Testament and the Gospels. Word and music intertwine, just as the majority of biblical texts have been set to music for centuries. This creates exciting connections between words and music, which stand for themselves as well as with each other.

The Hour of Cathedral Music is open to both ecclesiastically distanced and international guests. A bilingual program makes it easier for non-German-speaking visitors to join in the celebrations. The Berlin Cathedral can thus be experienced as a beacon for outstanding organ and choral music in the heart of the capital.

Once a month, we celebrate the hour of cathedral music as a Choral Evensong in the Anglican tradition. This special form is largely supported by "The English Choir Berlin" under the direction of Max Carsley.