Welcome Service

Our Welcome Service is geared towards international visitors and non-German-speaking Berlin citizens, to offer them the chance to celebrate services at the Cathedral. On all Sundays and religious holidays, we offer a translation service for our services held at 10 AM, in order that the liturgy and sermon can be heard in English simultaneously. Guests can listen to the translation using headphones while it is transmitted from the Cathedral’s system.

Should you be interested in the Welcome Service held on Sundays and religious holidays, and you would like to help in the group, whether as a translator or a host, a member of the Welcome Service team will accompany you during your first services of worship and offer you support.


  • Host: greet the guests and instruct them in the use of the transmission system, provide information about the Cathedral and the parish
  • Interpreters: Simultaneous interpreting during services of worship


  • Host: Foundation English skills.
  • Interpreters: Excellent English skills

Time required

  • Host: one or two times for every three months of service
  • Interpreters: one to two times every 2 months
  • Twice a year, the entire Welcome Service meets to catch up and talk about its experiences